Outer Banks Film Photographer
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Film Photography Blog

Film camera reviews, film stock reviews, my thoughts on film photography and how I use film as my medium of choice.

Back to (Virtual) School on Lomo 400

Returning to virtual learning on film

One Roll, One Day - November 2020

It’s been a hot minute since I’ve posted, and perhaps failed the monthly project, but(!) excuses aside, I’m back on the wagon. Of course I haven’t stopped shooting, but between work, becoming a virtual teacher’s assistant and studying for a Professional Engineering exam, time has been scarce. Well, Covid canceled the exam and the boy is back in school which means daddy’s got a new lease on time!

So I’m going back in time to an important day - the first day of second grade. Granted, the furthest Finnegan left the house was the road to play with some chalk, so about 3/4 mile short of the school. I find the photo of him with his mask/scarf and tablet a fairly fitting first day of virtual academy.


How this boy has grown. And virtual academy has let him gain confidence in himself without the worry of judgment from his peers. Maybe a bit of angst starting to rear its head, but to be free of self-consciousness is an envious feeling.

While there’s many feelings I can spill about a day like this, I divert mine (and hopefully your) attention to these colors. Welcome to Lomography 400, my new go-to 400 speed film in 120. Punchy, constrasty, bold, full-of-life. These colors are far from muted, but the skin tones are fantastic. The grain can be a bit more obtrusive in 35mm, of which I’ve run many rolls through the Leica M3 at this point, but in 120 with those massive negatives they are CLEAN. Of course this was ran through my favorite camera in the world: the Pentax 67.


My favorite lady, my favorite dog, our sweet little home. How fitting is it we found this place with a house number of 120? My favorite format, such a house of character.

That’s it for this month folks! It’s great to be back, and hopefully I can sustain. Meanwhile, check out what Charlene is doing for her One Roll, One Day for November.
